Dear drivers:
Good evening I was sent here by the neighborhood community to talk about ways of driving and acting on the road.
I like you were here in the same situation, I wanted to start driving right then but I didn’t know what are the rules and laws that I must obey. So than a person came to me and started talking to me and explaining the rules and laws.
I like that person will explain to you the rules and laws that I think you must know.
Okay lets begin, the first rule and the most important is TO BE PATIENT on the road by being more patient you can save you life and other's life too.
When you drive you should always obey the traffic laws because you can't be a hero on the road, if you try to be a hero you will most likely end up dead.
Now don’t think that I don’t know about the peer pressure that the youngers have during their short childhood, I had it too but I didn’t give up to it I was stronger and I lived. When you get into a situation of stress like peer pressure you should think “what do I need to do, do I want to live or do I want to risk my life for a moment of happiness and foolishness.”
Guard your car on the road and by that you will be guarding your life and most likely you will be saving your life